Friday, February 15, 2008

The Quest to Backtest

The Herculean task of acquiring past data and parsing it into a useful format has begun. Sometime in the next 6 months you can expect to see results from the first few weeks of the 2007 season, and possibly results from the 2006 season. Other stuff will be attempted as well.


  1. Hi Jonathon. I'm intrigued by your site. I hope you don't mind if I add a link to it. Looking forward to seeing more results in the future.

    If your simulator is good enough, it has the potential for many more applications than game prediction.

  2. Hey Brian, Absolutely add the link. I'm looking for as much exposure as possible going into next season. I'll be happy to add a link to your site as well (Where is it?)

    More results are in the pipeline, but of course I have to work around school, so it make take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for the 2007 season to be completely tested. I'd also like to pair it with a full season of simulated betting, using my Black Box Betting Algorithms. Do you or anyone else reading this know where I can find the spreads and over/unders for each week, preferably with payouts listed?

    I'd also like to hear your thoughts about other potential applications. This is a highly specialized program, but I suppose some algorithms can be generalized for other purposes. (Think basketball...)
