Saturday, March 29, 2008

Results through week 7

Yes, I'm only at week 7. I'm putting NFLSim away for a couple weeks to focus on basketball..., where I'm 204-51 (80.0%), when picking the winner of the game. (no spread). 178-123(59.1%) with the spread. But just like football, when you're picking with that kind of accuracy, you can make money with the moneyline. Soccer is also in the works, and the backtest results are very, very promising; a sport where the only main bet is 'who will win'. Perfect. Don't think I've forgotten about baseball! Once enough stats have accumulated I'll try my hardest to do better than the 1000's of guys who've come before me. And you can bet that I will! (pun intended)

Since there are so many numbers, I'm going to skip the details and just post the main stats. If you want the details...I don't know why you would... just send me an email. This is for weeks 2-7, 87 games in all.

Games Wins Win %

50-59 41 30 73.2%

60-69 22 17 77.3%

70-79 17 10 58.8%

80-89 7 6 85.7%

90-100 0 0 #DIV/0!

Total 87 63 72.4%

Games Wins Win %

50-59 35 15 42.9%

60-69 29 18 62.1%

70-79 20 12 60.0%

80-89 3 2 66.7%

90-100 0 0 #DIV/0!

Total 87 47 54.0%

Games Wins Win %

50-59 17 13 76.5%

60-69 26 13 50.0%

70-79 27 15 55.6%

80-89 15 9 60.0%

90-100 2 2 100.0%

Total 87 52 59.8%

Thats pretty good. Win: 72.4%, Spread: 54%, O/U: 59.8%
Really, it was just one bad week that brought the numbers down, unfortunately bad weeks are unavoidable and if anyone tells you otherwise, they're trying to scam you.

That's it for now. You can find me at,, and The latter 2 are under construction- soccer will feature the main leagues from England, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. It will be up sooner than MLB, probably sometime this week.

Good luck, all! Be responsible, don't be greedy, and don't get scammed.

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