Originally, I decided to put up a simplified version of BOA's results. Bad idea. I'll need to mention a few things first. I chose to leave out bets against the spread and just include moneyline bets, for now. The fundamental reason BOA works is because of inefficiencies in Vegas' line making. After simulating last season, and after extensive backtesting, NFLSim showed a remarkable tendency to assign accurate probability values for games. BOA exploits this. The only way BOA can be successful is if it assigns the correct probabilites to games, enabling for an optimal allocation of funds to different bets with different payouts. The second important point is that every bet is a different amount, based on the difference in those probabilities. Again, I don't feel that the spread predictions have reached that point yet, though I am comfortable with just striaght picking.
At some point I'd like to write up a rigorous mathematical proof showing why this works, but I'll need to meet up with my statistics professor for that.
Before using this table, consider that the season is just beginning; this is only week 3, so the simulations aren't as accurate as they will be. I can't tell you not to bet, but just keep that in mind.
Since Baltimore's win % against Cleveland is so ridiculously high (97%), I decided to run BOA using a more conservative 80%. At 97%, BAL showed up in pretty much every bet. If BAL loses, lots of bets would lose. Better safe than sorry. If you can't tell by now, I like to err on the side of conservatism.
Once more, this is what each heading means:
~"BOA ODDS" are BOA's calculated probability that the particular bet will win.
~"VEGAS PAYOUT" is the payout for that bet according to Vegas, in decimal form.
~"% OF BANKROLL" is the amount bankroll that should be devoted to that bet.
~"POSSIBLE PAYOUT" is the amount won if the bet is won. (BANKROLL * % OF BANKROLL * VEGAS PAYOUT)
Here is the team key, each number corresponds to a particular bet. 1-ATL means that when you see the number 1, it means bet on ATL to win. If you see 5,7, it means parlay NE and TEN.
1-ATL, 2-BUF, 3-CHI, 4-MIN, 5-NE, 6-NYG, 7-TEN, 8-WAS, 9-SF, 10-SEA, 11-DEN, 12-PHI, 13-IND, 14-BAL, 15-DAL, 16-SD BET | BOA ODDS | VEGAS PAYOUT | % of BANKROLL | PAYOUT |
5 | 90.00% | 1.11 | 7.21% | 8.01 |
7 | 87.00% | 1.43 | 6.94% | 9.92 |
6 | 84.00% | 1.11 | 6.20% | 6.88 |
14 | 80.00% | 1.77 | 6.12% | 10.83 |
9 | 79.00% | 1.50 | 5.79% | 8.68 |
5,7 | 78.30% | 1.59 | 5.76% | 9.14 |
2 | 79.00% | 1.19 | 5.46% | 6.50 |
5,14 | 72.00% | 1.96 | 5.14% | 10.10 |
7,14 | 69.60% | 2.53 | 5.13% | 12.98 |
6,7 | 73.08% | 1.59 | 5.00% | 7.93 |
5,6 | 75.60% | 1.23 | 4.97% | 6.12 |
7,9 | 68.73% | 2.15 | 4.82% | 10.35 |
5,9 | 71.10% | 1.67 | 4.79% | 7.97 |
13 | 71.00% | 1.43 | 4.52% | 6.46 |
5,7,14 | 62.64% | 2.81 | 4.50% | 12.64 |
11 | 70.00% | 1.40 | 4.48% | 6.28 |
10 | 71.00% | 1.20 | 4.39% | 5.27 |
5,6,7 | 65.77% | 1.76 | 4.39% | 7.74 |
5,7,9 | 61.86% | 2.38 | 4.38% | 10.44 |
Alright, let's look at this. That table is based on a bankroll of $100. One of the other reasons BOA works is because it spreads risk over numerous bets in a way such that if one bet fails, other bets can still keep you afloat. If you don't feel like making 19 bets, my advice would be to scale the bets that you do make. If you only want to make the top 5 bets, for example, add the top 5 "% BANKROLLs" together. To find the new percentage to bet, divide that bet's "% BANKROLL" by the sum of the 5 "% BANKROLLs". So... 7.21+6.94+6.2+6.12+5.79 = 32.25. Bet 1 will be 7.21/32.25 = 22.36%. Bet 2 will be 6.94/32.35 = 21.51%, and so on. All 5 percentages should add up to 100%.
As you decrease the number of bets, you increase the amount of risk. For example, if you bet all 19 bets and and all teams win except 5-NE, which has a 90% confidence, you will lose 7.91% of your bankroll. If you decide to only bet the top 5 bets, you'll lose 22.36%. It's about all about your tolerance for risk, which is yours to figure out.
I hope this makes everyone happy. If not, send me some
angry emails.